Friday, November 14, 2008

We all need more play in our lives!

My boys are at this fantastic stage where they love to pretend. A piece from their train track is a sword. All-things-pink are from--and for--princesses. Cole is now Captain Cole of the Army and Rhys is Captain Rhys (or Princess Rhys depending on the day...) of the S.S. Flynn. It's a blast.

And just recently, we invented a new "game" that is certainly going to live on--at least in my mind, because it not only showcases the best parts of being a kid, but it also lets Mark and I remember how it feels to play, too!

The idea actually grew out of our desire to have the kids expend all excess energy before they go to bed, but it's turned into so much more. Now that it's dark so early, right around 6:30pm every night, we "go hunting" as "detectives." Translation: we take the dogs and run around the block, turn onto our grassy greenway and then head back home. The catch? We're not just running, we're hiding from every car that drives by...the moment we spot a car, the boys freeze behind a tree or one of us and we pretend they can't see us. (The boys, of course, are laughing the whole time.) Or, we tell them to look for bad guys that they can lasso and put in jail, which they do the entire time. In fact, last night it appears there was a bad guy on the stop sign, but no worries, Cole got him.

We run, we hide, we laugh, we race each's the best 30 minutes we spend together because it's free of worries, free of agendas, free of rules (other than not yelling at the top of their lungs, which is downright hilarious: "MOMMMYYYY, DON'T MOOOVE, THERE'S A BAD GUY--I GOT 'EM!").

I feel like a kid again for 30 beautiful minutes, and they love each and every minute. I get to see my boys run hand-in-hand, dive on the grass, giggle like's just what being a kid should be all about. Maybe it's what being an adult should be about, too.

(And did I mention they sleep like logs?) All in all, a win.


Keela said...

Sounds like an episode of The Backyardigans -- I love it!

Melissa F. said...

Welcome to my world! :)