Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It takes a village...and some rockin' heels

It's days like today when you realize that without help, working parents like Mark and I would be in some serious doo-doo. Within a span of 3 days, we both found out we had to fly out on business the same day--today--at the crack of dawn and return at dusk. Oh, yes, anyone recall we have these two little things called KIDS? It's not like they're going to walk themselves to preschool--oh, yes, I hear DSS calling now--then pick themselves up, give themselves a bath and read themselves to sleep. Granted, it'd be amazing if they could, but come on...they're 3.

So, in flies Super-Grandparents--and not a moment too soon. As I stand in my bedroom at 4:50am this morning with half of a power suit and two different earrings on--couldn't decide on which one looked better and luckily I remembered to change one of them or I'd have looked like a nut--in walks my dad (affectionately known as Papa to my boys). Gotta love him. He's exhausted, but stands there smiling as his daughter gets her s@#$ together and gives him instructions of what to feed the boys, what to let them wear (and NOT wear), etc. What a trooper. Oh, and did I mention that my hubby had already left for the airport 30 minutes before that?? Who needs to sleep anyway.

When I get to the airport, it turns out that Mark and I are at the opposite gates, so for a moment we text back and forth, laughing a little at the fact that we almost--just almost--saw each other this morning...we were only a gate away. In some ways it felt like one of those cheesy scenes from a sitcom where the two people keep missing each other, but just because one bends down to tie their shoe just as the other walks by. We had to laugh.

So what gave me strength and a sense of humor today--especially with a huge presentation looming? A cool suit and some rockin' heels. 16 hours later, my feet are killing me, but damn if wearing them wasn't worth it. Yes, I might be an uber-working mom with a village of people helping take care of my family as my husband and I jet around like crazy people, but you know what? I looked good (at least for the first 8 hours...not so sure about the second 8).

And yes, I think that's what you call rationalization. ;)

1 comment:

markflynnchas said...

You were only wearing pajamas when I saw you.