Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm going to Multitaskers Anonymous (MA)

In the last month or so, I've come across a bunch of articles and news stories about how multitasking is actually making us dumber, like this one from The Atlantic talking about how we not only are losing brain cells but that it's actually dangerous (the writer crashes her car trying to see a picture on her phone while she's driving). Or this one from NPR, which talks about how it actually takes longer to get things done when you multitask rather than focusing on one thing at a time.

As a multitasking addict--I admit it!--I can't help but think they're right. Have I driven my car (a stickshift, I might add) while checking emails while eating my breakfast while rummaging around in my purse? Yep. Guilty. Was it safe? Probably not. Am I dumber for it? Hmmm... I'm not willing to go there. You know why? Because multitasking is my JOB, and I've honed my skills!

After reading all of these articles and hearing people talk about it, my single takeaway was this: You simply don't have the kind of crazy life many of us do! I'd love to have a leisurely, focused read of today's top headlines when I get to work, then walk and grab a cup of coffee and start checking off the many items on my to-do list one by one... Or, at home, I'd love to leave every morning fully rested with a stomach full of healthy breakfast foods and my hair perfectly coiffed, but let's be ain't gonna happen. If you are responsible for more than yourself and you're a woman, I guarantee you multitask to make life work.

I'm thrilled if I get 6 hours of sleep, remember to throw a Kashi bar and banana in my purse, wear matching shoes and socks (they're in a dark closet) and glance at the headlines all while getting my kids dressed and fed, shoving allergy pills into my dogs so they don't scratch their fur off, and turning off one of the seemingly hundreds of lights that have been left on in my house.

I am probably going to be one of those people who comes down with a case of Phone-and-Cheek disease b/c I spend so much time squeezing the damn thing between my shoulder and cheek while I carry bags or shift gears or whatever.

All kidding aside, multitasking can make you crazy and I've definitely tried to curb it so that I can stay more "in the moment," and really focus on the people and events going on, but it's hard. Juggling life is tough! Just now, I can think of 3 friends whose cell phones have had an early demise--like the phone falling into the toilet, hypothetically speaking, of course--because they were doing two things at once...

So, I may end up at Multitaskers Anonymous at some point when brain cells start pouring out of my ears, but until then, I'm going to laugh at the fact that I just noticed the acronym is MA. (All of you moms will certainly appreciate this!)


markflynnchas said...

Were both those articles written by men? It is my experience that Men are much better when they are focused (I know I am) instead of doing mulitple things. I think I would, in fact, get more done were I to focus on one thing at a time.

However, I have seen you do some amazing things while talking on the phone and reading your e-mail.

I went to a project management seminar where Eli Goldratt was speaking. His big distinction was multi-tasking vs. "bad" multi-tasking. His assertion was it is better to get the most important thing on your list done than it is to keep ten unimportant things in play. For me, if I am not careful, I start working what I would like to do (like commenting on a Blog) rather than doing what is truly important.

Melissa F. said...

Are you say reading my blog isn't truly important?? I'm shocked...
Good point from Goldratt, too, he's a smart guy.