But the kicker about being gone this week, though, was that it also just so happened to coincide with our newest kid challenge: getting them dressed. Sounds simple, right? Oh no...for those of you with 3 or 4-year-olds, you know what I'm talking about. And last weekend, we hit "tilt" on the can't-stand-the-fits-and-whining-o'meter with Rhys. I've gotten to the point where I dread the words: "Ok, time to get dressed boys!" because I know that the next words out of his mouth won't be words at all, they'll be this extended whine mixed with fits and spurts of cry-yelling...then he'll finally say "I don't WANNNAA wear JEAAANNSS!!!" or "I wanted STRIIIPPED socks, not WHIIITEE ones!!!" You get the picture.
Do you remember when Sigourney Weaver's character in Ghostbusters, Dana, becomes possessed and says in this fiery voice: "There is no more Dana, only Zoul!"?? Yep, that's my sweet Rhys in these moments...there is no more Rhysie, only Zoul.
It doesn't matter what we propose, he hates it--all he wants to wear are his "shiny clothes" from the summer (otherwise known as this cheapy sport outfit that a) would make him look like a little orphan in school because it's so worn out and b) is sleeveless...and it's 30+ degrees outside, so probably not a good idea warmth-wise. Oh, and add to this, he loathes wearing a coat...especially the heavy winter one. (Are we having fun yet??!)
Fast forward to this week. I wrote to my best friend--also my role model/guru mom of three kids--and asked her what the heck to do. Her advice was to let him pick his clothes out (ok, we agreed we could do this, we'd just have to remove the summer stuff and anything else truly ugly) and as for the coat, let him walk out without it and when he's cold, he'll come to his own decision that he needs it on. Smart stuff! And I'd heard that this approach had worked for many in the past, including her kids...but we knew it was still going to be hard.
So, I leave for my biz trip, and there is Mark at home trying Operation No-More-Whining without back up. And this is where it gets funny.
Day 1: He reports that neither boy wanted to wear coats, so off to school they went sans outerwear (coats were hidden in the trunk). This is the text I got and where the laughing began: "Drove to school w/o the heater on...and parked as far as possible from the door. Probably shouldn't have left the coats with them so they would be chilly on the playground, though... damn."
Day 2: This is the one I'll never forget. I don't get a report other than a text saying: "Rhys's clothes this morning" and this picture:

I can honestly say I haven't laughed that hard in months. Turns out that rather than wearing any of the clothes in his drawer, Rhys chose to go to my folks house (Thursdays they're with my folks) without any clothes or coat on. Yep, underwear and shoes...and it was 35+ degrees. So, you'd think he'd be freezing and want to immediately get dressed as soon as he stepped outside, right? Nope, he was happy as can be (as you can see) naked as a jaybird in his carseat.
Needless to say, my folks cracked up and told Mark that he still needs to dress the kids when I'm out of town...ha ha...and they forced Rhys into clothes. But seriously, what are the chances, right?
Time for Plan B, I guess. Regardless of how this turns out, though, this picture is going on his birthday cake at 18. :)
So, this is what I have to look forward to? Can't wait! That picture of Rhys just made my decade! There has to be a place for it in some parenting magazine or column somewhere.
Oh yes, my friend! But you know what, it's more funny than anything... I'm laughing again just looking at it.
It is all about Whiney-pants. You've got to get in their kitchen.
Being naked is not socially awkward when you are 3, but khaki pants, that is awful...you look like an adult, Yuck!
Oh, his college girlfriends are really going to LOVE this one! Reminds me of that Dana Carvey stand up special where he talks about his boys and "Naked Time." Ping!
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