Friday, January 9, 2009

I just want something other than a burrito

I realized the other day that I eat an Amy's Organics Burrito topped with cottage cheese at least 3 nights (and some lunches) every week. I think it's a fair statement to say I like them. The reality is that I do like them, but it's more about convenience than anything. (And I really don't eat them as much as I inhale them by the way, often times burning the roof of my mouth.)

Why do eat so many burritos instead of the zillions of other options, you might ask?
1) I'm a rut person - if it works, I stick with it more often than not...these "work." Just ask me to tell you how long I ate PB&Js in school for lunch.

2) They're healthy and filling, and I'd rather eat a healthy burrito than walk around with a ziploc of carrots pretending I'm full.

3) I'm putting off the inevitable--that I need to start really cooking for my family...I'm told that
growing boys need fully fortified meals, not bits of cheese, half of a soy chicken patty, apple bites, etc.--go figure.

4) Did I mention I'm a rut person?

I'm sort of wondering if one day I'll wake up and suddenly loathe my good friend, the organic burrito, like I hated coffee during my pregnancy, and then have to find a NEW rut, or better yet, eat normal meals like normal people. Yikes...sounds like a daunting task.

The crazy thing is that I really like cooking--but only when I have time to play and have fun with it. I realized a couple of years ago, though, that I like cookbooks even more than I like cooking, which is probably why I have a mountain of them and still only eat burritos.


markflynnchas said...

If you want variety, I suggest pasta. There are lots of different shapes. You could eat something different everyday and still be in a rut. It is a win-win.

unbundler said...

You know, I have very similar eating habits. I prefer to think about it as being in a groove rather than a rut. Don't you ever bob your head in between bites and think to yourself "oh yeah, I'm feeling this burrito."

Sometimes when I'm in a good food groove I'll suddenly not feel like eating that thing anymore. When that happens, I start taking multi-vitamins and all of a sudden I can get back in the groove. I think the body knows something is missing. Does that ever happen to you?

Melissa F. said...

Ok, gents, you just crack me up. As for my pasta hubby, you clearly do get the idea of what variety is all about... ;)

Harry, I can't say I've gotten to that point with my burrito eating, but I have definitely had a "yum, yum, yum, I love this burrito" moment.

Bren and Eric said...

A story:
Last night I made whole wheat pasta with turkey meatballs. Not overly complicated, takes longer than a Healthy Choice, yet still qualifies as a home-cooked meal.
Eric announced at the start of the meal that I'd served him too much and he would not be eating all of it. I visibly shrugged and made a silent mental note to feed him sandwiches for a week.
Stella gave me the cutest smile as she bounced the fusili against the highchair, one by one, onto the floor, seemingly thinking the springy food was play food and pausing with a frown to ask me with her eyes where the "real food" might be. At 13 months she still will not eat anything pasta. One whole giant meatball made her laugh, and broken up, made her cry. Cold, grape tomatoes, exactly three, were her only solace.
Then Eric, as he pushed that last of the pasta-that he-was-not-going-to-finish into his mouth, asked me how much food did I think babies waste over the course of a year.
I said "enough to solve world hunger."

And a confession:
I work from home and can eat anything I want. I currently eat don't wants and yes, I know it's just a stage. The last chunk of cheese that she didn't eat, the only slice of cucumber that she did not smear onto the rug, three mini raviolis she refused to try, half of a nasty vienna sausage that I tried to feed her in desperation, a swig of stale apple juice that I am taste-testing more than drinking, and one animal cracker I found on the couch. I decline the mini marshmallow that appears to have teddy bear hair stuck to it's side.

I covet your burrito. :)

Melissa F. said...

Oh Bren, I think you deserve a case of my yummy burritos! What a hilarious story... and the funny part about your confession? I do that all of the time! I'm the queen of eating "leftover bites" which I'm sure is not good for the waistline, but oh well. Maybe the hair has protein... ;)